Saturday, August 12, 2006

Eureka ........ and some more (painful) papers

Following discussion over on POV regarding my ability to...ahem.. get wood at altitude, I have had a look at literature to see whether hypoxia (conditions of limited oxygen) can actually affect the erectile ability and the link with NO. This paper seems to be the nearest confirmation of that theory:

Effects of hypoxia on endothelin-1 sensitivity in the corpus cavernosum. Filippi S,Marini M,Vannelli GB,Crescioli C,Granchi S, Vignozzi L,Luconi M,Ferruzzi P,Morelli A,Forti G,Ledda F,Maggi M. Mol Hum Reprod. 2003 Dec;9(12):765-74.

The penis remains in a hypo-oxygenated, flaccid state for a large majority of the time. In this study, we investigated the effect of changing oxygen tension on the expression and functional activity of endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptors in the penis.... In conclusion, prolonged (24 h) hypoxia stimulated several counter-regulatory mechanisms in penile tissue, including up-regulation of ETB and down-regulation of RhoA/ROK pathways, which may help to preserve CC hypo-oxygenation, allowing smooth muscle relaxation and, most probably, penile erection.

As a result of my search I came across several more unusual papers too:

Prolonged penile strangulation with metal clamps.Patel C, Kim R, Delterzo M, Wang R. Asian J Androl. 2006 Jan;8(1):105-6.

'Fracture' of the penis: a case seriesChung CH,Szeto YK,Lai KK.Hong Kong Med J. 2006 Jun;12(3):197-200.

Seven (64%) cases were attributed to sexual intercourse, three (27%) to penile manipulation, and one (9%) to rolling over the erect penis during sleep.
Case report: a novel solution to penile zipper injury--the needle holder.McCann PA.ScientificWorldJournal. 2005 Apr 6;5:298-9.

Penile injuries are relatively uncommon. The crush injury mediated by entrapment of the skin between the teeth and fastener of a zipper mechanism has been described. It is seen more commonly in uncircumcised children than adults. A number of treatment methods have been mentioned in the literature. An adult case presentation and novel method of management using two small needle holders is illustrated.

Painful attraction: a magnetic penile injury.Rice SA,Rajan P,Hansen R,Munro FD. J R Soc Med. 2005 Mar;98(3):122-3.

Scrotal and penile reconstruction after massive self-injection of liquid paraffin and petroleum jelly.Scholten E,Nanhekhan LV,Oudit D,Hage JJ.Plast Reconstr Surg. 2005 Jun;115(7):2168-9.

Penile amputation and emasculation: hazards of modern agricultural machinery.Dogra PN, Gautam G, Ansari MS.Int Urol Nephrol. 2004;36(3):379-80.

Progressive hair coil strangulation of penis.Ms S,Shamim M.J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2004 Oct;14(10):636-7.


Blogger ion said...

Congratulations on your new baby here in J4P, and looking forward to many more posts.

PubMed does throw up some interesting items. I hadn't previously considered the dangers of high-tesla magnets in MRI in this day of body jewellery...

10:18 AM  
Blogger Kebz said...

Thankyou ion. Hopefully I will keep up the posting rate and keep this baby nourished. However, like yourself job applications are the order of the day and I am also considering becoming a career changer as redundancy looms in a few weeks without any prospects on the horizon. Is your email address the same as before ?- i know i have been a little lax (a lot actually) in keeping in touch but I promise to improve. At least I get to keep in touch with your eventful life on Ionetics.


10:27 AM  
Blogger Philip said...

I just hope you can keep up this level of penetration.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Kebz said...

How dare you sir? I am a fine upstanding member of the blogosphere.

I will try and move my humour above toilet level at some point but I'm not promising anything while the results are good ;-)

8:25 PM  

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